Bright Orange Fire Retardant 100% Worsted Wool Gabardine Welder's & Protective Fabric 12.5 ounces/linear yd $2.50 a yard

Bright Orange Fire Retardant 100% Worsted Wool Gabardine Welder's & Protective Fabric 12.5 ounces/linear yd $2.50 a yard

  • $ 27.50

Bright Orange Fire Retardant 100% Worsted Wool Gabardine Welder's & Protective Fabric12.5 ounces/linear yd $2.50 a yard

12.5 ounces a linear yard

$2.50 a yard, 60 inches wide 

Factory Seconds, Fabric is appropriate for protective garments, welder's cap, aprons and any other appropriate use.


You can purchase one roll or more as many yards as you would like  at only $2.50 a yard.

Please email us directly for purchase information and additional details

roll sizes 


11 yards

14 yards

15 yards

17 yards

18 yards

19  yards

20 yards